
January 25, 2021: SOAP #4071:  Exodus 12-13; Psalm 21; Acts 1

SCRIPTURE:  Acts (NIV) 1:8 But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.”

OBSERVATION:  The assignment was too big for them—to go into every nation, baptizing and teaching.  Before they went out to fulfill their assignment, they needed an empowering.  They would face persecution.  They would spend time in jail.  They would be beaten.  Jesus had been with them to teach and encourage them, but they would need something more.  Jesus had been WITH them.  The Holy Spirit would be IN them and empowering them.   

APPLICATION:   The longer I am a believer, the more I realize my dependence on the Holy Spirit.  His presence in my life keeps me walking in joy.  Sometimes He speaks in feelings, impressions, and inclinations.  Sometimes it is so obvious that I cannot miss what he is saying.  Every day I am learning more how He speaks to me.     

PRAYER:  Holy Spirit, how I need you more and more.  Move in and through me to bring honor to Jesus and joy to the Father. Amen. 

Pastor Leon
Making friends for time and eternity! 

My personal SOAP saga:  Tomorrow I will have an x-ray and meet with the chest surgeon.  I am feeling good and am expecting a good report.  God is at work!   😊